Copyright 2025 © AUS-SPEC
AUS-SPEC is regularly invited to present papers at the IPWEA National and State Conferences on the AUS-SPEC document system for the life cycle management of community assets. The following papers provide an overview of AUS-SPEC and guidance for use.
Fit for purpose specifications for managing community assets
This paper provides an overview of the AUS-SPEC information, tools, technical specification templates, and specification framework that are fit for purpose, and processes to document requirements for various asset life cycle activities. It discusses specifications for managing sealed and unsealed roads and related assets, the use of recycled materials, and the use of AUS-SPEC to create contract documentation.
Specifying Concrete Pavement for Local Government
This paper was presented at the 2021 Australian Society of Concrete Pavements and provides an overview of the AUS-SPEC information, tools, technical specification templates, specifications framework and processes to document requirements for various asset life cycle activities. It will also demonstrate the use of the system to create contract documentation for the design, construction, and maintenance of local government infrastructure assets to meet the growing needs of the communities.
Scope and use of AUS-SPEC
This paper provides an overview of AUS-SPEC packages, a summary of the additional documents provided with the update service and the benefits of using the AUS-SPEC system.
Developing a contract document system using AUS-SPEC
This paper discusses the procedures for easy compilation, preparation and management of contract documents using AUS-SPEC for the design, construction and maintenance of Council assets.
AUS-SPEC: The proactive approach to asset maintenance
This paper discusses the implementation of a proactive approach to asset maintenance for asset owners, using AUS-SPEC tools and templates.
Improving sustainability of local infrastructure using AUS-SPEC
This paper provides an overview of how Councils can use the AUS-SPEC system to document their requirements for sustainable infrastructure assets to meet the needs of their communities.
Extending Lifecycle of Assets Using AUS-SPEC
This paper provides an overview of using AUS-SPEC specification Templates for the design, construction and maintenance of local infrastructure assets. Sustainability requirements are addressed by documenting environmentally friendly products, materials and methods of construction. Integration of sustainable practices into the management of community assets helps maintain community wellbeing, environmental protection and economic prosperity.
Developing AUS-SPEC for more sustainable communities
This is an extended abstract on the development of AUS-SPEC since 2007 and to address other sustainability issues in the specifications.
This paper was presented at the 2017 International IPWEA Public Works Conference 20-24th August, in Perth.
Sustainable sprayed preservation surfacing treatments
In conjunction with industry partners, AUS-SPEC has developed a new generic specification ‘1147 Sprayed preservation surfacing’ for the supply of materials and application of spray-applied preservation treatments. This paper highlights how Councils can use AUS-SPEC generic documents to specify surfacing treatments to prolong asset life and minimise whole-of-life costs.
Effective life cycle management of rural roads using AUS-SPEC
The new AUS-SPEC Rural Roads specification package equips Councils with improved practices for asset life cycle management. This paper highlights the new and updated specifications and reference documents in the Rural Roads package, and how these will allow rural Councils to more effectively manage their large network of road assets.
Effectively managing local government infrastructure assets using national specifications
This presentation was presented at the 2024 IPWEA International Public Works Conference and provides an overview how the AUS-SPEC national specification system for minor infrastructure has been helping local government design, construct and maintain their assets. AUS-SPEC a joint venture between NATSPEC and IPWEA, promotes standardisation and consistency in documentation, adapts to new methods to improve productivity and efficient use of resources across Local Government infrastructure works. It includes the implementation journeys of Councils through case studies and examples how Councils can create fit for purpose documentation to effectively manage the life cycle of their infrastructure assets.
Copyright 2025 © AUS-SPEC