Copyright 2025 © AUS-SPEC
The AUS-SPEC library of civil design, construction and maintenance templates brings a shared professional language and process to engineering projects. In the current environment of increasing pressure on resource allocation, these publications is a tool to streamline asset life cycle planning and maintenance, while maintaining the essential focus on community safety and risk prevention.” Stuart Small, Team Leader Project Delivery |
AUS-SPEC Complete covers planning and design, tendering, contract preliminaries, construction, maintenance and operations of local government assets. It includes NATSPEC BUILDING Basic and BUILDING Landscape packages. This package satisfies most Local Government needs.
$3190 + GST
Project types
Planning, design, construction and maintenance of local government assets including:
Size and complexity
Typical users
Design, construction, maintenance and operational personnel and Asset Managers.
0010 Quality requirements for design
This worksection Template is applicable to providing a quality management system to AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2016) for engineering design processes required by Council for engineering works. The requirements are applicable to all design work whether undertaken by designers within Council, a Consultant or a Subconsultant.
0012 Waterfront development
This worksection Template is applicable to design and documentation requirements for waterway facilities and structures for canal type subdivisions or developments with water frontages to natural waterways.
0013 Bushfire protection (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation requirements for bushfire protection facilities for urban and rural subdivisions.
0021 Site regrading
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation requirements for site regrading for both Council works and land development and subdivisions.
0022 Control of erosion and sedimentation (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation requirements of control measures for mitigating the effects of erosion and sedimentation from construction activities and stormwater run-off, as required for the development erosion and/or sediment risk level. It includes both temporary and permanent control measures.
0041 Geometric road design
This worksection Template is applicable to the geometric layout design of minor roadworks, for safety, improved amenity and to reduce pedestrian/vehicular conflicts. It applies to minor roads within the domain of urban and regional Councils. For major roads and highways, refer to the relevant State Road Authority. Specific State and Territory requirements must be included in addition to Austroads requirements.
0042 Pavement design
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation for new light trafficked road pavements and rehabilitation of existing pavements. It includes procedures for designing the following type of pavements:
• Flexible pavements of unbound granular materials.
• Flexible pavements of one or more bound layers, including pavements containing asphalt layers other than thin asphalt wearing surfaces.
• Rigid pavements (i.e. cement concrete pavements).
• Segmental concrete or clay paving with base and subbase.
• Unsealed pavements.
0043 Subsurface drainage (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation of subsurface drainage systems for new and existing road pavement and/or subgrade including:
• Subsoil and formation drains.
• Pavement drains.
• Drainage blankets.
0044 Pathways and cycleways (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation requirements for various types of cycleways and pathways. It is not applicable to paths and cycleways in complex intersections, roundabouts or railway crossings.
0051 Geometric rural road design – sealed
This worksection Template is applicable to the geometric design of minor roadworks, for safety, improved amenity and to reduce pedestrian/vehicular conflicts. It applies to minor roads within the domain of urban and regional Councils. For major roads and highways, refer to the relevant State Road Authority. Specific State and Territory requirements must be included in addition to Austroads requirements.
0052 Geometric rural road design – unsealed
This worksection Template is applicable to design and documentation requirements for geometric road design of unsealed roads for safety, road alignment and operating speed for estimated traffic.
0053 Rural pavement design – sealed
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation for new light trafficked road pavements and rehabilitation of existing pavements. It includes procedures for designing the following type of pavements:
• Flexible pavements of unbound granular materials.
• Flexible pavements of one or more bound layers, including pavements containing stabilised materials and/or asphalt layers other than thin asphalt wearing surfaces.
• Rigid pavements (i.e. cement concrete pavements).
• Segmental concrete or clay paving with base and subbase.
0054 Rural pavement design – unsealed
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation for new road pavements and rehabilitation of existing unsealed pavements. It includes procedures for designing the following type of pavements:
• Flexible pavements of unbound granular materials.
• Unsealed pavements.
0061 Bridges and related structures
This worksection Template is applicable to design and documentation requirements for the following structures:
• Road traffic bridges.
• Pedestrian bridges including bicycle and wheelchair access.
• Structures other than bridges associated with bridge construction e.g. culverts, retaining structures, sign supporting structures and noise barriers.
• Structures providing public safety, e.g. safety barriers, safety rails, protection screens and street lighting poles.
• Temporary works.
0071 Water supply – reticulation (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to design and documentation requirements for drinking and non-drinking water reticulation systems, excluding pump stations, generally up to and including DN 375 either, as a stand-alone project or as part of a development in a Council area, where Council is responsible for the provision and maintenance of water supply systems. It is applicable to new water supply systems or upgrades to existing water supply systems. It is aligned with, and relies on, the requirements of WSA 03 generic code (2011) and WSA 03 regional code (2022) and provides the mechanism to document specific Water Agency requirements.
0072 Water supply – pump stations (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to design and documentation requirements for in-line pressure booster pump stations for use with drinking and non-drinking water reticulation systems generally up to and including DN 375. It is not intended for the design of Transfer, Distribution or Source water supply pump stations. It is applicable to new water supply systems or upgrades to existing water supply systems. It is aligned with, and relies on, the requirements of WSA 03 generic code (2011) and WSA 03 regional code (2022) and provides the mechanism to document specific Water Agency requirements.
0074 Stormwater drainage (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation requirements for stormwater drainage systems in urban and regional areas. It covers hydrology and hydraulic design for stormwater drainage systems and includes Water Sensitive Urban Design principles of stormwater harvesting and re-use.
0076 Sewerage systems – reticulation (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to design and documentation requirements for a sewerage system, either a stand-alone project or part of a development in a regional Council area.
The worksection provides for the design of the following elements of the sewerage system
• Gravity, pressure and vacuum sewers up to DN 600 nominal size.
• Rising mains up to DN 600 nominal size.
• Standard appurtenances such as maintenance holes, maintenance shafts and property connection sewers.
0077 Sewerage systems – pump stations (Design)
This worksection Template is applicable to the design and documentation requirements of wet-well submersible type inground sewage pump stations. It is applicable to pump stations with a single wet-well for discharge rates up to 200 L/s and two wet-wells or a single wet-well without a dividing wall for discharge rates greater than or equal to 200 L/s. The worksection provides for the design of the pumps for a sewerage system which is either a stand-alone project or part of a regional Council development.
This worksection is aligned to the Water Services Association of Australia WSA 04 (2022), WSA 06 (2008) and WSA 07 (2007).
0120 Pre-tendering contract preparation (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is a framework for the development of request for tender documents based on AUS SPEC worksections. It includes a cover page and sets out the documents required for Part A Tender information and Part B Contract documentation volumes.
0121 Tendering
This worksection Template reflects the principles of the main Australian codes of practice, including AS 4120 (1994), which is cited in a number of state government codes of practice. The worksection assumes head-contract tendering. It is applicable to non-contractual material and so does not form part of the contract documents. A tender pro-forma is attached to cover tender offers in the form of a lump sum.
0122 Information for tenderers (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to an introductory document to enable prospective Tenderers to determine whether the scope and type of works in the proposed Contract is within their capability. It is a separate document to, but aligned with, 0123 Conditions of tendering.
0123 Conditions of tendering (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to conditions of tendering including contract information, tender submission requirements, tender evaluation and selection criteria. It assumes traditional paper-based tendering methods but this worksection can be adapted to suit digital distribution and eTendering (electronic tendering system). If using eTendering, consult with the administrators of the system about the standard forms provided as part of the system and about amending these to suit your requirements. The worksection should align with 0122 Information for tenderers, a separate, introductory document for prospective Tenderers. This worksection does not form part of the contract documents.
0124 Tender submission documents (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the returnable forms and schedules nominated by the Principal for completion by the Contractor for inclusion in the Tender submission. The completed worksection forms VOLUME 4 -Tender Submission Documents of the request for tender (RFT). It assumes traditional paper-based tendering methods but this worksection can be adapted to suit digital distribution and eTendering (electronic tendering system). If using eTendering, consult with the administrators of the system about the standard forms provided as part of the system and about amending these to suit your requirements.
0125 Standard contract checklists (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection applies to standard contracts and provides checklist for contract compilation, tender preparation, receipt of tenders and tender assessment.
0126 Period supply and service checklists (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection applies to period supply and service contracts and provides a checklist for commissioning of documentation, determination of technical requirements, document finalisation approval and the tender advertisement template.
0131 Preliminaries
This worksection Template is applicable to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, owner’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0133 Preliminaries (Interior and alterations)
This worksection Template is applicable to the site management requirements of the owner for interior fitout projects. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining tenancies constraints, project signage, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, and some aspects of payment for the works.
0134 General requirements (Supply) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements for a supply contract and includes the supply of labour, materials and plant to carry out the works. This worksection can be used for minor construction works. For major construction works use 0136 General requirements (Construction).
0135 General requirements (Service) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements for a supply and service contract. The work under this contract comprises of supply of labour, materials and equipment necessary to carry out the services specified. It can be used for a single contract for provision of general goods and services over a period of time.
0136 General requirements (Construction) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the site requirements of the principal for minor civil works construction projects, including site access, restrictions and investigations, superintendent’s site office, project signage, survey control, principal supplied items, and existing utilities services. It also draws together administrative material common to the worksections, including referenced documents, interpretation, inspection and tests, contractor’s submissions, materials and products and work-as-executed drawings.
0138 Multiple contracts
This worksection Template is applicable to projects to be let as several prime contract packages, also known as trade package contracts and separate contracts. It deals with the interfaces between the contracts and provides a framework for scheduling the boundaries of responsibility between the contractor and the principal or other contractors, on behalf of the principal.
0140 Preliminaries – ABIC BW 2018 C
This worksection Template is applicable to the ABIC BW 2018 C contract for small commercial projects or single trade activities where an architect administers the contract, applicable in all states and territories. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, temporary facilities, project signage, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items and pest eradication.
0141 Preliminaries – ABIC MW-2018 C
This worksection Template is applicable to the ABIC MW-2018 major works contract for non-housing work. It can be adapted for use with the various state and territory specific contracts for housing work. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, owner’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0141 Preliminaries – ABIC MW-2018
This worksection Template is applicable to the ABIC MW-2018 major works contract for non-housing work. It can be adapted for use with the various state and territory specific contracts for housing work. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, owner’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0142 Preliminaries – ABIC SW-2018
This worksection Template is applicable to the ABIC SW-2018 simple works contract for non-housing work. It can be adapted for use with the various state and territory specific contracts for housing work. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, owner’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0143 Preliminaries – AS 2124 (1992)
This worksection Template is applicable to the AS 2124 (1992) building contract for major works. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0144 Preliminaries – AS 4000 (1997)
This worksection Template is applicable to the AS 4000 (1997) building contract for major works. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0145 Preliminaries – AS 4905 (2002)
This worksection Template is applicable to the AS 4905 building contract for minor works. It is relevant to the site requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of cost adjustment, and pest eradication.
0146 Preliminaries – AS 4902 (2000)
This worksection Template is applicable to the AS 4902 (2000) building contract for design and construct. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0147 Conditions of Contract (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the General conditions of contract, Annexures to the contract and Special conditions of contract. The completed worksection forms VOLUME 1 – Conditions of contract. This worksection is based on AS 2124 (1992) General conditions of contract. Amend this document for use with other general conditions of contract, special conditions, WHS and environmental requirements. See NATSPEC disclaimer on the use of this worksection for this and other contracts.
0149 Preliminaries – NCW4 (2019)
This worksection Template is applicable to the NCW4 contract for National Capital Works. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0152 Schedule of rates (Construction)
This worksection consists of descriptions of quantities required for a schedule of rates for a construction project. The quantities shown are estimated quantities only and are not to be taken as correct quantities of work to be carried out or paid for under the various items of work.
0152r Schedule of rates (Construction)
This worksection consists of descriptions of quantities required for a schedule of rates for a construction project in a rural council. The quantities shown are estimated quantities only and are not to be taken as correct quantities of work to be carried out or paid for under the various items of work.
0153 Schedules – Period supply and service
This worksection Template is applicable to the schedule of rates requirements for tenderers for period supply and service (Supply and Deliver) contracts.
0160 Quality
This worksection Template applies to the selection and implementation of a project Quality Management System based on AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2016). It includes the submission of a Quality Plan from a contractor having an approved Quality Manual.
0161 Quality management (Construction) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the contractual requirements for the quality management system (QMS) documentation and operation for construction activities. It contains umbrella requirements for quality control and testing and includes the following:
• Developing and implementing a project QMS to AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2016).
• Developing and implementing a project quality plan to cover all work under the contract including permanent works, temporary works, on-site and off-site works.
• Keeping quality records.
0162 Quality (Supply) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the quality requirements for supply of a quality assured product where the Producer has third party certification of an implemented quality management system conforming to AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2016).
0163 Quality (Delivery) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the quality requirements for delivery of products for acceptance by the Principal in conforming to AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2016).
Product delivery includes the following activities:
• Handling.
• Storage.
• Packaging.
• Preservation.
• Delivery.
0167 Integrated management (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the documentation and operation of a system that collects the operating procedures of Quality requirements, Environmental requirements and Work Health and Safety into a single integrated management system.
0171 General requirements
This worksection Template draws together content including administrative requirements applicable to new work, interiors, and alterations and additions, including landscaping and building services. As the content is relevant to all subcontractors every other NATSPEC worksection includes a cross reference to this worksection. It covers interpretation, referenced documents, performance, design by the contractor, contractor’s submissions and inspections, products and materials, ancillary building work, testing and commissioning, completion, project records, and maintenance during the contract period.
0171q DEPW (Qld) – General requirements
This worksection Template draws together content including administrative requirements applicable to new work, interiors, and alterations and additions, including landscaping and building services for DEPW (Qld). As the content is relevant to all subcontractors every other NATSPEC worksection includes a cross reference to this worksection. It covers interpretation, referenced documents, performance, design by the contractor, contractor’s submissions and inspections, products and materials, ancillary building work, testing and commissioning, completion, project records, and maintenance during the contract period.
0172 Environmental management
This worksection Template is applicable to the environmental management of the construction site and includes environmental controls for erosion and sedimentation, flora and fauna, groundwater, indigenous and non-indigenous heritage, water quality, air quality, waste and weeds. It provides for documenting an environmental management plan, if required, and/or the requirements for environmental management either in contractor prepared control plans or the principal/consultant control measures.
0172q DEPW (Qld) Environmental management
This worksection Template is applicable to the DEPW (QLD) environmental management of the construction site and includes environmental controls for erosion and sedimentation, flora and fauna, groundwater, indigenous and non-indigenous heritage, water quality, air quality, waste and weeds. It provides for documenting an environmental management plan, if required, and/or the requirements for environmental management either in contractor prepared control plans or the principal/consultant control measures.
0173 Environmental management (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the environmental management of civil works and includes environmental controls for erosion and sedimentation, flora and fauna, groundwater, indigenous and non-indigenous heritage, traffic, water quality, air quality, waste and weeds. It provides for documentation of requirements for control plans prepared by the contractor. It provides for documenting an environmental management plan, if required, and/or the requirements for environmental management either in contractor prepared control plans or principal/consultant control measures.
0181 Adhesives, sealants and fasteners
This worksection Template is applicable to the commonly used adhesives, sealants and fasteners and provides basic defaults for projects requiring adhesives, sealants and fasteners, as part of general construction. It is not applicable to the fire-stopping requirements of the NCC Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions of BCA (2022) C4D15 and BCA (2022) C4D16.
0182 Fire-stopping
This worksection Template is applicable to the fire-stopping requirements of the NCC Deemed-to-Satisfy clauses BCA (2022) C4D15 and BCA (2022) C4D16, for service penetrations, cavities and construction/control joints in wall, floor and ceiling elements, that are required to have a fire-resistance level (FRL).
0183 Metals and prefinishes
This worksection Template is applicable to common metals and metal alloys, and prefinishes.
0184 Termite management
This worksection Template is applicable to various physical and chemical termite management systems, which may be used alone or in combination. The various systems are located together in this worksection as their effectiveness relies on the integration of the chosen systems.
0185 Timber products, finishes and treatment
This worksection Template is applicable to the certification, sustainable sourcing, durability, fire-resistance, finishing and quality conformance of timber products. It includes preservative treatments to the AS/NZS 1604 series and alternative material conforming to NCC (2022) A5G3.
0191 Sundry items
This worksection Template is applicable to building components that may not obviously belong to a particular worksection or alternatively, could reasonably belong to a number of worksections. They are generally proprietary components and equipment made from a range of materials, and can be installed in a range of interior or exterior locations. Custom-made items are better located in the appropriate worksection, e.g. 0552 Metalwork – fabricated for predominantly metal items, or items to be made by a metal fabricator.
0193 Building access safety systems
This worksection Template is applicable to the design, supply, installation and maintenance of building access safety systems comprising personal equipment for working at height and rope access systems. It includes anchors and accessories for rope access and ladders for roof safety systems.
0201 Demolition
This worksection Template is applicable to demolition of buildings, structures and services. It includes planning and execution of the work, protection and support of adjacent structures, and removal of demolished material.
0201b Demolition (Interior and alterations)
This worksection Template is applicable to demolition of existing buildings, structures and services. It includes planning and execution of the work, protection and support of adjacent structures and removal of demolished material.
0202 Demolition (interior and alterations)
This worksection Template is applicable to the demolition and removal of internal building elements and services from within an existing building.
0221 Site preparation
This worksection Template is applicable to site preparation requirements including existing services, site clearing, stormwater and sediment control, tree removal/protection/transplanting/maintenance, and temporary landscape fencing.
0222 Earthwork
This worksection Template is applicable to topsoil removal, excavation, filling and compaction as required for building operations.
0222q DEPW (Qld) – Earthwork
This worksection Template is applicable to topsoil removal, excavation, filling and compaction as required for building operations for DEPW (Qld).
0223 Service trenching
This worksection Template is applicable to trenching for underground services within a building site. It covers fill materials, existing services, existing surfaces, excavating, trench backfill and surface restoration.
0224 Stormwater – site
This worksection Template is applicable to stormwater drainage associated with pavements and other non-building projects. For internal stormwater piping for roof water and for simple external systems related to buildings, use 0821 Stormwater – buildings.
0224b Stormwater – site
This worksection Template is applicable to stormwater drainage mainly associated with pavements and other non-building projects or parts thereof. It overlaps with Stormwater buildings, which should be used for internal stormwater piping for roof water and for simple external systems related to buildings. Both worksections may be used on a project according to the division of professional and/or contracting responsibility.
0241 Landscape – walling and edging
This worksection Template is applicable to edging and retaining and free standing walls subject to height criteria conforming to local authority requirements.
0242 Landscape – fences and barriers
This worksection Template is applicable to fencing including tennis court fencing; sports ground fencing; cricket net enclosures; steel and timber picket and paling (plain paling, lap and cap) fencing; and swimming pool barriers, generally for domestic use, and chain link and welded mesh fencing for industrial, commercial and institutional use.
0242b Landscape – fences and barriers
This worksection Template is applicable to basic fencing including picket and paling (plain paling and lap and cap) fencing, generally for domestic use; chainwire and welded mesh fencing for industrial, commercial and institutional use.
0243 Landscape – water features
This worksection Template is applicable to self-contained water features in open landscaped areas. Conform to local authority water depth requirements if applicable.
0250 Landscape – combined
This worksection Template is applicable to simple ‘soft’ landscaping. It has been prepared for and is suitable only for work of a scale or size that does not warrant the use of separate worksections for each aspect of landscaping work included. It combines relevant clauses from the following stand-alone landscape worksections: 0251 Landscape – soils, 0252 Landscape – natural grass surfaces, 0253 Landscape – planting, 0254 Irrigation, 0255 Landscape – plant procurement and 0256 Landscape – establishment.
0250b Landscape – combined
This worksection Template is applicable to simple ‘soft’ landscaping. It has been prepared for and is suitable only for work of a scale or size that does not warrant the use of separate worksections for each aspect of landscaping work included. As such, it combines relevant clauses from the following stand-alone landscape worksections: 0251 Landscape – soils, 0252 Landscape – natural grass surfaces, 0253 Landscape – planting, 0254 Irrigation, 0255 Landscape – plant procurement and 0256 Landscape – establishment.
0251 Landscape – soils
This worksection Template is applicable to soils for landscaping including, rock work, filling, topsoil and topsoil additives. Geotechnical site investigation and soil related earthworks are also covered.
0252 Landscape – natural grass surfaces
This worksection Template is applicable to grass seeding, hydroseeding and hydromulching, turfing, stolonising, temporary grassing and grass reinforcing.
0253 Landscape – planting
This worksection Template is applicable to landscape planting (softworks) including composts, fertilisers, binders, mulching, pest spraying, tree pruning and anchorage.
0254 Irrigation
This worksection Template is applicable to automatically controlled, fixed irrigation systems. It includes fixed sprinkler systems, micro-irrigation systems, drip irrigation systems, subsurface drip irrigation systems and valve boxes.
0255 Landscape – plant procurement
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply of plant material, including indoor plants, shrubs and trees. It allows for plant material to be supplied as a separate forward order contract or as part of the head contract.
0255b Landscape – plant procurement
This worksection Template includes shrubs and ground cover as well as trees. It is structured to allow for the supply of plant material as a separate early contract or as part of the head contract.
0256 Landscape – establishment
This worksection Template is applicable to soft and hard landscape establishment and maintenance for the period between the date of practical completion and the end of the defects liability period under the head contract.
0256b Landscape – establishment
This worksection Template is applicable to landscape establishment and maintenance for the period between the date of practical completion and the date of final completion under the head contract.
0257 Landscape – road reserves and street trees
This worksection Template includes soft landscaping minor works and is applicable to the following:
• The vegetation of cut and fill batters, pathway verges, median areas and open drains.
• Surface preparation, topsoiling, fertilising, and turfing or sowing of seed. It is also suitable for surface protection works, hydroseeding, hydromulching and straw mulching.
• The supply, planting, fertilising, mulching, staking, watering and maintenance of plants including street trees.
0261 Landscape – furniture and fixtures
This worksection Template is applicable to proprietary items and custom-built items associated with landscape works, including proprietary shade structures.
0262 External sports and playground surfacing
This worksection Template is applicable to external sports and playground surfacing, including synthetic turf, polymeric rubber (cast in situ, prefabricated sheeting/tiles, granular material) and polymeric liquid coatings. It is also applicable to loose-fill material, including sand, wood-fibre, bark mulch and wood chips.
0271 Pavement base and subbase
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply, spreading, compaction and trimming of base and subbase courses of flexible pavements for access or car parking.
0271b Pavement base and subbase
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply, spreading, compaction and trimming of base and subbase courses of flexible pavements for access or car parking.
0272 Asphalt
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and laying of asphalt surfacing for areas not forming public roadways.
0273 Sprayed bituminous surfacing
This worksection Template is applicable to bituminous sprayed surfacing, including sealing and resealing, of areas not forming public roadways.
0274 Concrete pavement
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and placement of concrete for concrete pavements such as loading docks, car parks, landscape hard paving within site boundaries. It includes residential streets, paths and driveways associated with a building project.
0274b Concrete pavement
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and placement of concrete for concrete pavements such as loading docks, carparks, landscape hard paving within site boundaries. It includes residential streets, paths and driveways.
0275 Paving – mortar and adhesive bed
This worksection Template is applicable to external paving on cement mortar or adhesive bedding on a concrete substrate using concrete, clay, natural stone and cast stone pavers, and stone setts. It is suitable for pedestrian traffic only.
0275b Paving – mortar and adhesive bed
This worksection Template is applicable to external paving in clay, stone, industrial cast stone, terrazzo and manufactured cementitious pavers on a cement mortar bed and adhesive bed to concrete substrates.
0276 Paving – sand bed
This worksection Template is applicable to paving on sand bedding over unbound base and/or subbase layer/s using concrete and clay pavers. It is suitable for vehicular pavements, cycleways, footpaths and landscaped areas and unsuitable for public roads and streets.
0277 Pavement ancillaries
This worksection Template is applicable to the installation of channels, kerbs, linemarking and some types of vehicle barriers.
0278 Granular surfaces
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of granular pathways, driveways and outdoor living areas, and includes subgrade trimming, base compaction, edge restraints and granular surfacing.
0279 Paving – on pedestals
This worksection Template is applicable to paving supported on pedestals on a concrete substrate using concrete, clay, natural stone and cast stone pavers. It is suitable for pedestrian traffic only.
0281 Fire access and fire trails (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of fire access tracks and trails for bushfire protection in rural and urban developments. It addresses requirements for constructing fire access tracks and trails so that soil erosion is minimised and access is maintained under bushfire conditions.
0282 Pathways and cycleways (Construction) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of pavements for pathways and cycleways. It includes requirements for subgrade preparation and construction of subbase and base for concrete and asphalt pavements.
0292 Masonry walls (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of concrete, brick or stone masonry unit retaining walls and free-standing walls such as noise attenuation, dwarf and feature walls for landscaping or similar structures. It includes excavation for footings, construction of reinforced concrete footings, laying of masonry units, placement of subsurface drainage and backfill to the wall.
0293 Crib retaining walls (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of proprietary timber and precast concrete crib retaining walls for retaining and reinforcing soil, rock and other materials. This may involve design. It includes excavation for foundations, reinforced concrete footing, precast concrete and treated timber crib wall, subsurface drainage and backfilling in and behind the crib wall.
0294 Gabion walls and rock filled mattresses (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of gabion walls and rock filled mattresses for retaining and reinforcing soil, rock and other materials. This may involve the design. It includes excavation for foundations, subsurface drainage, backfilling behind the gabion wall, materials, assembly, erection and filling.
0310 Concrete – combined
This worksection Template is applicable to the use of concrete for buildings and associated structures. It is suitable for work of a scale or size that does not need a separate worksection for each of the different parts of the concrete work. It combines relevant clauses from the following worksections: 0311 Concrete formwork, 0312 Concrete reinforcement, 0313 Concrete post-tensioned, 0314 Concrete in situ and 0315 Concrete finishes. For large projects and for projects that include precast and tilt-up concrete, use separate worksections.
0311 Concrete formwork
This worksection Template is applicable to supply, installation and removal of formwork for concrete work in buildings and associated structures. It includes formwork using profiled steel sheeting and plywood. This worksection is generally used in conjunction with other concrete worksections.
0312 Concrete reinforcement
This worksection Template is applicable to supply and installation of fibre and steel reinforcement in concrete for buildings and associated structures. It includes ties, supports and dowelling. This worksection is generally used in conjunction with other concrete worksections.
0314 Concrete in situ
This worksection Template is applicable to concrete placement on site (in situ) for building and associated structures. It includes preparation of the base, concrete supply, placement, compaction, curing and jointing. This worksection is generally used in conjunction with other concrete worksections.
0315 Concrete finishes
This worksection Template is applicable to the production of formed and unformed concrete surface finishes in building and associated structures. It covers the common surface finishes. Project specific finishes may be added, if required.
0318 Shotcrete
This worksection Template is applicable to pre-mixed (wet) concrete that is applied pneumatically and compacted dynamically under high velocity. It should be used in situations where formed in situ concrete is not appropriate. This worksection is not applicable to dry mix shotcrete, or mechanically applied shotcrete used for tunnelling and mining ground support applications.
0319 Auxiliary concrete works (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and placement of concrete, including sprayed concrete for concrete works of an auxiliary/supplementary nature to the primary works taking place. It includes ancillary requirements such as ground preparation, formwork and reinforcement. Auxiliary concrete works include drainage pits and other ancillary drainage structures, headwalls, wingwalls, in-situ box culverts, box culvert base slabs, retaining walls, footings, concrete safety barriers and works of a similar nature.
0321 Precast concrete
This worksection Template is applicable to precast concrete elements cast in a manufacturing plant or factory, distant from the final installation location and under quality control. Precast elements include reinforced and prestressed floors, walls, beams and columns. It includes connections, fixings and lifting accessories. The casting, transport, installation and erection procedures in this worksection are aligned with AS 3850.2 (2015). The worksection permits contractor design and is endorsed by the National Precast Concrete Association Australia (NPCAA –
0331 Brick and block construction
This worksection Template is applicable to internal and external, load bearing and non-load bearing brick and block construction in buildings and associated structures using brick and block masonry units manufactured from clay, calcium silicate, concrete or autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC). It includes details on mortar, reinforcement, wall ties and other accessories, lintels, damp‑proof courses and flashings.
0331b Brick and block construction
This worksection Template is applicable to internal and external, load bearing and non-load bearing brick and block construction in buildings and associated structures using manufactured units comprising clay, calcium silicate, concrete or autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) used in buildings and associated structures. It includes details on mortar, reinforcement, ties and other accessories, lintels, damp proofing and flashings.
0332 Stone masonry
This worksection Template is applicable to natural stone masonry units used in buildings and associated structures. It includes mortar/grout, lintels, wall ties, damp-proof courses and flashings and stone foundations. There is no Australian standard for the stone masonry product. However, the design and construction of masonry structures is covered in AS 3700 (2018).
0332b Stone masonry
This worksection Template is applicable to natural stone masonry units used in buildings and associated structures. It includes mortar/grout, lintels, wall ties, damp proof courses and flashings and stone foundations. There is currently no Australian standard for the stone masonry product. However, the design and construction is covered in AS 3700.
0333 Stone repair
This worksection Template is applicable to the cleaning, repair and restoration of existing stone masonry, including stone removal and replacement work. It includes requirements for natural and synthetic stones, mortars, fixings and repointing.
0341 Structural steelwork
This worksection Template is applicable to general structural steel framing in buildings, and associated structures. It includes cold-formed purlins and girts used in conjunction with structural steelwork. It covers welding, bolting, surface preparation and treatment of structural steelwork, and architecturally exposed structural steelwork (AESS).
0342 Light steel framing
This worksection Template is applicable to framing for structures generally comprising cold-formed metallic-coated or aluminium/zinc-coated steel sections where particular project specific requirements need to be met. It covers residential and low-rise floor, wall, roofing and truss framing.
0343 Tensioned membrane structures
This worksection Template is applicable to suspended tensioned membrane structures, including shade or waterproof membrane structures. It covers supporting structures, tension members, anchorages and foundations, both attached to other structures and stand-alone elements. The worksection is not intended to apply to proprietary structures and systems, which are covered by the manufacturers’ details, specification and certification. It is not applicable to tensioned membrane structures for Class 1 residential dwellings.
0344 Steel – hot-dip galvanized coatings
This worksection Template is applicable to post-fabrication galvanizing of fabricated structural steelwork or steel products identified as being at risk of atmospheric corrosion. The worksection derives from the model specification for hot-dip galvanizing in GAA AN16 (2021) by the Galvanizers Association of Australia (GAA) This worksection is endorsed by the Galvanizers Association of Australia.
0344b Steel – hot-dip galvanized coatings
This worksection Template is applicable to post-fabrication galvanizing of fabricated structural steelwork or steel products identified as being at risk of atmospheric corrosion. The worksection derives from the standard specification for hot dip galvanized coatings published in GAA After-fabrication hot dip galvanizing by the Galvanizers Association of Australia (GAA). The worksection is endorsed by the Galvanizers Association of Australia.
0345 Steel – protective paint coatings
This worksection Template is applicable to protective paint coating systems for the protection of steel products and structural steelwork against interior and exterior atmospheric corrosion. It addresses surface preparation, preparation assessment and coating application for new and maintenance work.
0345b Steel – protective paint coatings
This worksection Template is applicable to protective paint coating systems for the protection of mild steel products and structural steel against interior and exterior atmospheric corrosion. It addresses surface preparation, preparation assessment and coating application for new and maintenance work.
0346 Structural fire protection systems
This worksection Template is applicable to fire protection systems for structural building elements where an FRL is required. They can be specified prescriptively or by performance. It includes sprayed coatings, board systems and intumescent paint. The worksection is based on the FRLs deemed to be achieved by certain building elements in NCC (2022) Spec 1.
0361 Monolithic stabilised rammed earth walls
This worksection Template is applicable to monolithic stabilised earth walls using a blend of 4 to 10% cement with selected low clay soils containing well graded sand and aggregates. This worksection relies on NZS 4297 (2020), NZS 4298 (2020), NZS 4299 (2020) and the recommendations of SA HB 195 (2002).
0362 Mud brick and pressed earth block walls
This worksection Template applies to walls of load bearing and non-load bearing, dried earth bricks/blocks (adobe, both stabilised and unstabilised and includes pressed earth blocks (e.g. CINVA-Ram). It does not address lightly-burnt blocks, cob or LEM (light earth method). Monolithic stabilised rammed earth walls are covered in NATSPEC 0361 Monolithic stabilised rammed earth walls.
0363 Straw bale walls
This worksection Template is applicable to non-load bearing single storey straw bale construction in a timber frame, up to 3.6 m in height for walls with reinforced plaster finish. Walls using unreinforced plaster, without intermediate supports are limited to a height of 2.7m. Load bearing straw bale construction is sometimes used for single storey buildings and requires structural engineering design. Non-load bearing, two storey framed construction requires specialist detailing for additional protection from the effects of external moisture. There is also a hybrid system of lightweight frame and partial load-bearing straw. There is no Australian standard for straw bale construction.
0381 Structural timber
This worksection Template is applicable to timber building and civil engineering structures or elements for generally commercial, industrial, marine and similar purposes. It includes major beams and columns in residential buildings, timber portal frames and trusses, timber decks, walkways and jetties, pole structures, timber bridges and timber masts, pylons, towers, and similar structures. For timber framing to the AS 1684 series, use 0382 Light timber framing. For cross-laminated timber (CLT) use 0385 Cross-laminated timber (CLT).
0382 Light timber framing
This worksection Template is built around the AS 1684 series, as appropriate. It is applicable to light timber framing, bracing and timber trusses in Class 1 and Class 10 buildings as defined by the NCC.
0383 Decking, sheet and panel flooring
This worksection Template is applicable to external timber, composite or compressed fibre cement decking, and to internal sheet flooring of plywood, particleboard or compressed fibre cement as either platform floors, fitted floors or sprung floor. It is also applicable to autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) panel flooring. It assumes the provision of a supporting structure.
0411b Waterproofing – external and tanking
This worksection Template is applicable to tanking and external waterproof membrane applications to roofing, balconies, concrete slabs over below ground spaces, planter boxes and tanking generally. It relies on AS 4654.1 (2012) and AS 4654.2 (2012). It does not include concrete admixtures, penetrating sealers or decorative coatings.
0421 Roofing – combined
This worksection Template is applicable to the provision of roof coverings of profiled sheet metal, tiles, shingle, shake, slate, glass, plastic sheets and roof plumbing. It also covers skylights, roof hatches, roof windows, roof ventilators and roof access.
0431 Cladding – combined
This worksection Template is applicable to lightweight external wall cladding for work of a scale or size which does not warrant the use of separate worksections for each selected cladding type. It combines relevant clauses from 0434 Cladding – flat sheets and panels, 0435 Cladding – planks and weatherboards, 0436 Cladding – profiled and seamed sheet metal and 0437 Cladding – insulated panel systems.
0433 Stone cladding
This worksection Template is applicable to mechanically fixed natural stone or cast stone cladding panels in external or internal applications.
0451b Windows and glazed doors
This worksection Template is applicable to windows and glazed doors consisting of proprietary lines (or suites) of manufactured products, supplied as complete systems, fabricated and assembled to the standard designs of specialist firms in documented materials such as aluminium, steel, timber and plastics. It includes glazing, hardware and associated grilles as well as installation accessories, such as fixings, flashings, sealants and seals, caulking and weatherstripping, necessary for the satisfactory functioning of the whole system.
0453b Doors and access panels
This worksection Template is applicable to conventional door frames of metal and timber with flush panel and joinery doors of timber and various timber and plastic products. This worksection only covers some key generic requirements as the range of available products, performance requirements and design choices is so wide.
0454b Overhead doors
This worksection Template is applicable to sectional and rigid (tilting) overhead doors, and rolling curtain and shutter doors (including fire-resistant roller shutters) for residential, commercial and industrial applications. Manual and motorised operation are covered.
0455 Door hardware
This worksection Template is applicable to hardware items such as hinges, keys, locks, latches, furniture and door controllers including automated devices and provides two alternative types of schedules for specifying these items – selection schedules and door-by-door schedules.
0456 Louvre windows
This worksection Template is applicable to louvre windows consisting of proprietary products, supplied as complete systems fabricated and assembled by specialist firms to their standard designs. It also includes ventilating louvre assemblies. Components include glass, metal, timber or plastic louvre blades, screens, security options and hardware, as well as installation accessories such as fasteners, flashings, sealants, joint sealing and weatherstripping, necessary for the satisfactory functioning of the whole system.
0457 External screens
This worksection Template is applicable to external screens consisting of proprietary lines (or suites) of manufactured products, supplied as complete systems fabricated and assembled by specialist firms to their standard designs. It includes sunscreens, trafficable sunscreens, external louvres and blinds, shutters, awnings and pergolas fixed to building facades or openings to control sunlight and/or to provide privacy, to screen plant and equipment, or to provide an architectural feature. It applies to fixed, adjustable, operable and automatically controlled types.
0461b Glazing
This worksection Template is applicable to glazing in framed openings to windows, doors and curtain walls based on AS 1288 (2021).
0463 Glass blockwork
This worksection Template is applicable to glass blockwork systems comprising hollow glass blocks in vertical, non load-bearing aluminium frames with reinforcement, and mortar or silicone joints. Fire-resistant systems are included.
0467 Glass components
This worksection Template is applicable to glass products such as shower screens, barriers, mirrors and sundry glass fixtures and fittings.
0471 Thermal insulation and pliable membranes
This worksection Template is applicable to thermal insulation and pliable membranes for floors, walls, ceilings and roofs. It generally relies on AS 3999 (2015), AS 4200.1 (2017), AS 4200.2 (2017) and AS/NZS 4859.1 (2018). A pliable building membrane may be installed to act as a sarking membrane, vapour barrier, thermal insulation or any combination of the three. This worksection does not cover insulation for building services (e.g. for ductwork) or acoustic insulation.
0472 Acoustic insulation
This worksection Template is applicable to acoustic insulation for floors, walls and ceilings against the transmission of airborne and impact generated sound. It includes bulk, board and flexible insulation and plenum baffles and other flanking sound insulation. This worksection does not cover acoustic insulation for building services (e.g. ductwork) or thermal insulation.
0511b Lining
This worksection Template is applicable to the installation of internal lining systems permanently fixed to walls and ceilings. It deals with internal dry linings of timber boards, gypsum plasterboard and cellulose fibre reinforced cement.
0520 Partitions – combined
This worksection Template is applicable to the following internal partitions:
Proprietary demountable partition systems.
Framed and lined partitions consisting of lightweight steel or timber framing and plasterboard or fibre cement lining; and with autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) panels.
Internal non-load bearing framed and frameless glass partitions and glazed doors.
0523 Partitions – brick and block
This worksection Template is applicable to internal non-load bearing brick and block construction of a simple nature associated with interior fitout works.
0525b Cubicle systems
This worksection Template is applicable to partitioned cubicles for toilets and showers. The material can be adapted for changing areas and various decontamination cubicles such as air showers.
0527 Room dividers
This worksection Template is applicable to operable walls, folding doors and accordion doors.
0531b Suspended ceilings – combined
This worksection Template is applicable to internal ceilings and external soffits comprising sheet linings or proprietary ceiling units supported by a suspension system fixed to a supporting structure.
0551 Joinery
This worksection Template is applicable to the shop fabrication and site installation of custom made joinery fixtures and trim to walls and openings. It deals with all types of joinery including domestic, laboratory and healthcare joinery fixtures.
0551b Joinery
This worksection Template is applicable to the shop fabrication and site installation of custom made joinery fixtures and trim to walls and openings. It deals with all types of joinery including domestic, laboratory and healthcare joinery fixtures.
0552 Metalwork – fabricated
This worksection Template is applicable to what is generally known as custom built architectural metalwork such as stairs, ladders, walkways, balustrades, handrails, screens, grilles, guards, bollards, furniture, and decorative items.
0552b Metalwork – fabricated
This worksection Template is applicable to what is generally known as custom built architectural metalwork such as stairs, ladders, walkways, balustrades, handrails, screens, grilles, guards, bollards, furniture, and decorative items.
0573 Fire extinguishers and blankets
This worksection Template is applicable to portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets.
0581 Signage
This worksection Template is applicable to house signage, display signs, tactile wayfinding signs and statutory signs. Signage for services usually provided by services subcontractors can be dealt with in the appropriate technical worksection and coordinated with this worksection.
0581b Signage
This worksection Template is applicable to house signage, display signs, tactile wayfinding signs and statutory signs. Signage for services usually provided by services subcontractors can be dealt with in the appropriate technical worksection and coordinated with this worksection.
0611 Rendering and plastering
This worksection Template is applicable to traditional wet plastering and rendering, though proprietary and special systems may feature in the project specifications and drawings. It includes ornamental plaster, work on lath, and on panelling of various materials. There is no relevant standard in Australia.
0612 Cementitious toppings
This worksection Template is applicable to cement-based toppings on concrete floors, ramps and steps. There is no applicable standard in Australia.
0612b Cementitious toppings
This worksection Template is applicable to cement-based toppings on concrete floors, ramps and steps. There is no applicable standard in Australia.
0613 Terrazzo in situ
This worksection Template is applicable to in situ cement matrix terrazzo flooring. There is no relevant standard.
0621 Waterproofing – wet areas
This worksection Template is applicable to liquid applied and single sheet membrane waterproof membrane applications to wet areas. It is written with reference to AS 3740 (2021) and AS/NZS 4858 (2004).
0631b Ceramic tiling
This worksection Template is applicable to floor and wall ceramic tiling. Tiles may be specified by manufacturer’s brand name or by generic type, and essential characteristics such as size, colour, surface, edge type. Bedding, grouting, fixing and jointing requirements should also be specified.
0632 Stone and terrazzo tiling
This worksection Template is applicable to stone tiling, industrial cast stone tiling, terrazzo tiling (cementitious and resinous) and manufactured cementitious tiling on various substrates. This worksection is based on the AS 3958 series, however, for stone and cast stone wall tiling additional information can be found in BS 5385-1 (2018). For heavy stone wall tiling consider using worksection 0433 Stone cladding.
0641 Applied wall finishes
This worksection Template is applicable to interior decorative wall finishes consisting of timber, laminate, glass, fabric panels or other proprietary panels fixed using wet methods (adhesive/mortar fixed) or dry methods (framed/mechanical systems). It also includes decorative acoustic wall panels.
0642 Wallcoverings
This worksection Template is applicable to decorative interior wallcoverings and their installation including wallpapers, vinyl, textile, woven glass fibre and flexible timber wallcoverings.
0651 Resilient finishes
This worksection Template is applicable to resilient sheet, tile and plank finishes with associated underlay including cork tiles, corklinoleum, linoleum, rubber, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and static control flooring. It also includes synthetic sporting surfaces (not in the basic version).
0652b Carpets
This worksection Template is applicable to textile floor coverings (carpets) including carpet rolls, sheets and tiles with underlays, grippers and adhesives for commercial and residential applications.
0654 Multilayered board flooring
This worksection Template is applicable to floating and adhesive fixed multilayered board flooring systems. It includes engineered, laminate, bamboo and hybrid flooring. It assumes the provision of a supporting subfloor or structure.
0655 Timber flooring
This worksection Template is applicable to intermittently and continuously supported solid timber strip flooring, adhesive fixed timber block parquet and mosaic parquet flooring products and associated subfloors. It assumes the provision of a supporting structure. There is no reference standard.
0656 Floor sanding and finishing
This worksection Template is applicable to basic floor sanding of timber substrates for other finishes, basic floor sanding as the first stage preparation for clear coating systems, finish sanding for clear coating systems and the selection and application of clear coating systems.
0657 Resin based seamless flooring
This worksection Template is applicable to resin based flooring including epoxy, polyurethane and methacrylate resins. It also includes in situ resinous terrazzo flooring.
0671 Painting
This worksection Template is applicable to the in situ application of coating systems, including opaque paint and clear finishes to exterior and interior building elements. The primary referenced standard is AS/NZS 2311 (2017), a guide to products and procedures for the painting of buildings for domestic, commercial and industrial use.
0671b Painting
This worksection Template is applicable to the in situ application of coating systems, including opaque paint and clear finishes to exterior and interior building elements. The primary referenced standard is AS/NZS 2311 (2017), a guide to products and procedures for the painting of buildings for domestic, commercial and industrial use.
0672 Textured and membrane coatings
This worksection Template is applicable to the in situ application of latex extensible (membrane) coating and textured surface coating systems to buildings and interior elements. The primary referenced standard is AS/NZS 2311 (2017), a guide to products and procedures for the painting of buildings for domestic, commercial and industrial use.
0673 Powder coatings
This worksection Template is applicable to the off-site application of thermoset powder coating systems for architectural applications, and to exterior and interior buildings elements. The primary referenced standards are AS 3715 (2002), AAMA 2603 (2022), AAMA 2604 (2022) and AAMA 2605 (2022) for aluminium and aluminium alloy substrates and AS 4506 (2005) for metal substrates, other than aluminium.
0702 Mechanical design and install
This worksection Template is applicable to simple mechanical installations that are to be designed and installed by the contractor.
0802 Hydraulic design and install
This worksection Template is applicable to simple hydraulic service installations that are to be designed and installed by the contractor.
0811s Sanitary fixtures
This worksection Template is a shell. It acts as a prompt and is applicable to the selection and installation of sanitary fixtures.
0812s Tapware
This worksection Template is a shell. It acts as a prompt and is applicable to taps and tapware and includes related fittings such as towel rails.
0902 Electrical design and install
This worksection Template is applicable to simple electrical service installations that are to be designed and installed by the contractor.
1002 Fire services design and install
This worksection Template is applicable to simple fire service installations that are to be designed and installed by the contractor.
1101 Traffic management
This worksection Template is applicable to the management of temporary traffic movement for safe negotiation of work sites on roads and adjacent to roadways. It includes:
1102 Control of erosion and sedimentation (Construction)
This worksection Template is applicable to the control of erosion and sedimentation in conformance with an approved Erosion and sediment control plan (ESCP). It provides for either documentation of requirements for control plans prepared by the contractor or documentation of control measures by principal/consultant. It includes both temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control measures.
1111 Clearing and grubbing
This worksection Template is applicable to the clearing, grubbing and removal of all vegetation, logs, stumps, boulders, roots, scrub, debris and dumped material for site works for roadway construction. The work also includes removal of all rubbish and other materials that are unsuitable for use in the works, and demolition and disposal of any minor built structures.
1112 Earthworks (Road reserve)
This worksection Template is applicable to the excavation, removal of topsoil, cuttings, and construction of batters and embankments. It also includes compaction and moisture requirements, fill construction, borrow activities and selected material zone.
1113 Subgrade and formation stabilisation
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for the stabilisation of subgrade and formation of local roads. Stabilisation binders include cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash and cementitious blends.
1121 Open drains
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction, lining and protection of all types of open drains, including unlined and lined open drains.
1122 Kerb and channel (gutters)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of new kerbs and channels (gutters) and associated works including foundations for components, adjustment/replacement of gully pits and reinstatement of pavement and driveways, as documented. It also includes the removal and disposal of existing kerbs and channels (gutters).
1130 Rural concrete base
This worksection Template includes the construction, by mechanical or hand placement, of plain reinforced concrete base, including, slab anchors and terminal slabs. The work also includes the construction of reinforced concrete approach slabs at bridge abutments. The construction of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) base and minor SFRC works for pavements including mixing, transportation, placing, finishing and curing and slab anchors. It does not apply to large scale highway works.
1131 Roller compacted concrete subbase
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of roller compacted concrete subbase. It includes mixing, transportation, placement, compaction, jointing and curing.
1132 Lean mix concrete subbase
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of lean mix concrete subbase including trial sections and subgrade beams.
1133 Plain and reinforced concrete base
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction, by mechanical or hand placement, of plain and reinforced concrete base, including trial sections, slab anchors and terminal slabs. The work also includes the construction of reinforced concrete approach slabs at bridge abutments.
1133r Combined reinforced concrete base|
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction, by mehanical or hand placement, of plain and reinforced concrete base, including trial sections, slab anchors and terminal slabs. The work also includes the construction of reinforced concrete approach slabs at bridge abutments.
1134 Steel fibre reinforced concrete base
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) base and minor SFRC works for pavements including mixing, transportation, placing, finishing and curing. It does not apply to large scale highway works.
1135 Continuously reinforced concrete base
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of continuously reinforced concrete base including mixing, transportation, placing, finishing, curing, trial sections and slab anchors.
1140 Wearing course, base and subbase – unsealed
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply, spreading, compaction and trimming of flexible base, subbase and wearing courses of pavements for local unsealed roads (light to medium traffic levels).
1141 Flexible pavement base and subbase
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply, spreading, compaction and trimming of flexible base and subbase courses of pavements for local roads (light to medium traffic levels). It is not applicable to highways, freeways, mine haul roads, aerodrome runways, taxiways and aprons or port facilities such as container terminals. For the purposes of this worksection, flexible base and subbase includes unbound, modified and bound materials.
1142 Cold mix asphalt
This worksection Template is applicable to the design, production and delivery of cold mix asphalt including supply of materials, sampling, testing and all other operations to provide a dense graded and open graded cold mix.
1143 Sprayed bituminous surfacing
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply of materials, design guidance and application of bituminous seals and roadway surfacing. It also covers environmental risk assessment.
This worksection was originally developed by AfPA, IPWEA and Standards Australia and is now regularly updated in collaboration with AfPA.
1144 Asphalt (Roadways)
This worksection Template is applicable to hot mixed, dense graded, open graded, stone mastic, fine gap graded, ultra-thin asphalt and light traffic asphalt for roadways and other pavement related applications. It includes the following:
This worksection was originally developed by AfPA, IPWEA and Standards Australia and is now regularly updated in collaboration with AfPA.
1145 Segmental paving
This worksection Template is applicable to clay and concrete segmental paving on bedding for flexible and rigid road pavements, medians, traffic islands and driveways. It includes the bedding course, supply, placement and compaction of segmental pavers and joint filling material (over various types of base and/or subbase layers). It also provides requirements for permeable pavements.
1146 Microsurfacing
This worksection Template is applicable to the design, supply, mixing and placement of microsurfacing for surface correction and wearing surface applications on road pavements, carparks, cycleways and footpaths.
1147 Sprayed preservation surfacing
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply of materials and application of spray applied preservation treatments to preserve, protect and prolong the life of existing wearing pavement surfaces.
1148 Cold milling of asphalt and base course
This worksection Template is applicable to the removal of asphalt and base course by cold milling to a specified depth, the hauling of the material to stockpiles and disposal areas and the sweeping of pavement.
1151 Road openings and restoration
This worksection Template is applicable to road openings and restoration for installation of underground utility services within public road reserves or reserves under Council control.
1152 Road openings and restorations (Utilities)
This worksection Template is applicable to road openings and restoration works for the installation of underground utility services within public road reserves or reserves under the control of local government authorities. It is applicable for contracts let by a public Utilities Authority and is consistent with the objectives of the Streets Opening Coordination Council (SOCC) Guide to codes and practices for streets opening and the Model Agreement for Local Councils and Utility/Service Providers prepared by SOCC.
1161 In situ pavement stabilisation using cementitious binders
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of pavement courses for local roads using in situ cementitious binders including cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash, slag and cementitious blends.
1162 In situ pavement stabilisation using bituminous binders
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of new and existing pavement courses for local roads using bituminous binders (e.g. bitumen emulsion and foamed bitumen) with supplementary binders such as cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash, slag or cementitious blends.
1163 Ex situ (PLANT MIX) pavement stabilisation
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of new and existing pavement courses using a stationary mixing plant for blending materials with bituminous binders and supplementary binders such as cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash, slag or cementitious blends.
1164 In situ pavement stabilisation of unsealed roads
This worksection Template is applicable to materials and processes for stabilisation of subgrade and pavement courses for new and existing unsealed roads. Stabilisation binders include cement, quicklime, hydrated lime, fly ash, cementitious blends, granular materials and dry powdered polymer.
1171 Subsurface drainage
This worksection Template is applicable to provision of subsurface drainage system for roadworks including subsoil and formation drains, pavement drains and drainage blankets. It includes preparation, siting, supply of materials, general execution of subsurface drainage and recording of drain installation.
1172 Subsoil and formation drains
This worksection Template is applicable to drainage of ground water, seepage, springs and wet areas in subsoil and formations associated with roadworks and covers order of construction, excavation of trenches, backfilling and pavement interface drains.
1173 Pavement drains
This worksection Template is applicable to sub-pavement drains, intra-pavement drains and edge drains for pavement layers, and covers order of construction, excavation, pipework, backfilling as well as outlet structures associated with roadworks.
1174 Drainage blankets
This worksection Template is applicable to the installation of drainage blankets to intercept or collect subsurface water impacting the construction of roadways.
1191 Pavement markings
This worksection Template is applicable to pavement markings comprising setting out, supply and application of pavement marking paint, thermoplastic pavement marking material, two-part cold applied markings, pavement marking tape and raised pavement markers. It is also applicable to the installation on new roads and for revised traffic schemes, reinstatement of markings after road works and maintenance of markings (e.g. marking over existing markings).
1192 Signposting
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and erection of signs for roadways.
1193 Guide posts
This worksection Template is applicable to the setting out, supply of materials, excavation, placement and backfill, and erection of guide posts and delineators in areas where street lighting is not provided.
1194 Non-rigid road safety barrier systems
This worksection Template is applicable to supply and erection of non-rigid road safety barriers and terminals in the public domain.
1195 Rigid road safety barrier systems
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of boundary fences and gates including setting out, clearing of fence line, supply of materials and components, and erection.
1196 Boundary fencing for road reserves
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of boundary fences and gates including setting out, clearing of fence line, supply of materials and components, and erection.
1197 Street and public lighting
This worksection Template is applicable to street lighting and associated electrical installations for the following:
It is suitable for minor roads within the domain of urban and regional councils. For street lighting of major arterial roads or highways, refer to the requirements of the relevant State Roads Authority.
1341 Water supply – reticulation (Construction)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of water supply mains generally up to DN 375 nominal size. This worksection is aligned to the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) WSA 03 generic code (2011) and WSA 03 regional code (2022) and is to be used with the relevant WSAA product and material specifications. It is applicable for the construction of new water supply systems or upgrading an existing water supply system.
1342 Water supply – pump stations (Construction)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of water supply in-line booster pump stations connecting to reticulation systems generally up to DN 375 nominal size. This worksection is aligned to the Water Services Association of Australia WSA 03 generic code (2011), WSA 03 regional code (2022) and WSA 04 (2022) and is applicable for the construction of pump stations for a new water supply or an upgrade to an existing water supply system.
1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction)
This worksection Template is applicable to earthworks, bedding and support, backfilling and compaction for drainage lines, open drains, and drainage structures. It covers common requirements for the other drainage worksections (1352 Pipe drainage, 1353 Precast box culverts, 1354 Drainage structures).
1352 Pipe drainage
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply and installation of pipe and bolted plate structures for stormwater drainage. It includes precast reinforced concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, and plastic flexible pipes, and metal pipes and bolted structures. Read this worksection in conjunction with 1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction) which covers common requirements relating to excavation, bedding and support, compaction and backfilling for stormwater drainage.
1353 Precast box culverts
This worksedtion Template is applicable to the supply and installation of precast concrete box culverts. Read this worksection in conjunction with 1351 Stormwater darinage (Construction) which covers umbrella requirements relating to excavation, bedding and support, compaction and backfilling for stormwater drainage.
1354 Drainage structures
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of drainage structures other than pipes and precast box culverts. These may include headwalls, wingwalls, gully pits, inspection pits, junction boxes/pits, drop structures, inlet and outlet structures, energy dissipators, batter drains and other supplementary structures as documented. Read this worksection in conjunction with the 1351 Stormwater drainage (Construction) worksection which covers common requirements relating to excavation, bedding and support, compaction and backfilling for stormwater drainage, and the 1352 Pipe drainage, 1353 Precast box culverts and 1121 Open drains worksections, as applicable.
1361 Sewerage systems – reticulation (Construction)
This worksection Template is applicable to the construction of sewerage in regional council areas including the following:
• Gravity, pressure and vacuum sewers up to DN 600 nominal size.
• Rising mains up to DN 600 nominal size.
• Standard appurtenances such as maintenance holes, maintenance shafts and property connection sewers.
This worksection is aligned to the Water Services Association of Australia WSA 02 generic code (2014), WSA 02 regional code (2022), WSA 06 (2008) and WSA 07 (2007) and is to be used with the relevant WSAA product and material specifications.
1362 Sewerage systems – pump stations (Construction)
This worksection Template is applicable to construction of sewerage pump stations in regional Council areas, with submersible pumps. It is applicable to pump stations with a single wet-well for discharge rates up to 200 L/s and two wet-wells or a single wet-well without a dividing wall for discharge rates greater than or equal to 200 L/s.
1391 Service conduits
This worksection Template is applicable to the supply of materials and the underground installation of electrical, telecommunications, conduits and pits. This worksection does not include trenching, excavation or backfill which is included in 1152 Road openings and restoration (Utilities). It is suitable for minor roads within the domain of urban and regional councils. For service conduits for major arterial roads or highways, refer to the requirements of the relevant State Roads Authority.
1392 Trenchless conduit installations
This worksection Template is applicable to the installation of drainage or service conduits where trenchless techniques are required. Trenchless techniques minimise interference with existing features, facilities or traffic. These techniques may be carried out either by jacking, ramming, bursting, thrust or auger boring, microtunnelling, directional drilling or other suitable techniques appropriate for the particular installation. This worksection may also be applicable for rectification of defects in existing installations.
1393 CCTV inspection of drainage conduits
This worksection Template is applicable to the CCTV inspection and reporting of stormwater drainage and sewerage conduits for conditional assessment for maintenance and asset management purposes. It can also be used for the acceptance inspection of new assets. It includes requirements for the reporting and inspection of drainage conduits and related maintenance structures by means of CCTV equipment. It is aligned with WSA 05 (2020) Conduit inspection reporting code of Australia. This worksection Template can be adapted for the use of 3D optical scanners, Laser profiling or Sonar profiling equipment.
1401 General requirements – parks and open space (Maintenance)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements of the Principal for parks and open space maintenance contracts. It includes plan requirements, contract period, work by others, environmental protection, emergency response, accidents, damage, measurement and payment.
1402 Maintenance schedules – parks and open space
This worksection outlines the contract schedules for routine general maintenance, schedule of lump sum components, parks and open space data sheet, bills of quantities and schedules of dayworks rates.
1403 Parks and open space maintenance plan (PMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to the Parks and open space Maintenance Plan (PMP) required under 1401 General requirements – parks and open space (Maintenance). The PMP is a contract specific document which is confirmation of the understanding and commitment of the Contractor and the Principal on maintenance performance policy, maintenance organisation, Activity Specifications, management procedures and maintenance planning. The Annexures to the PMP also include sample non-conformance management forms, Damage forms and Contractor Records.
1404 Annexures to parks and open space maintenance plan
This worksection Template is applicable to proformas and sample forms for the management of parks and open space maintenance contracts. Use these proformas in conjunction with 1403 Parks and open space maintenance plan.
1411 Street landscaping
This worksection includes the inspection and maintenance of gardens, trees and shrubs in landscaped areas provided in councils’ streets.
1412 Grass mowing in road reserves
This worksection cover slashing or mowing of roadside, shoulders, verges or median growth and those areas classified by council as grassed areas.
1413 Tree and vegetation control in road reserves
This worksection includes trimming of growth on trees and shrubs and minor lopping on roads and footpaths.
1414 Weed control in road reserves
This worksection covers the spraying of herbicide or related treatment to provide a weed free surface area at the lip and joints of a kerb and gutter, traffic islands around road furniture (e.g guardfence, fences, signs and guidepost) as directed adjacent to culverts, bridge abutments and along boundary fences for which the council is responsible.
1415 Weed control
This worksection covers the spraying of herbicide or related treatment such as hand weeding and hot water or direct chemical application to provide a weed free surface area to parks and recreation areas, gardens, around park/area furniture and along boundary fences for which the council is responsible.
1416 Planting of annuals and trees
This worksection include the removal of spent annual plants, preparation of beds and planting out and watering the new annuals in garden areas provided in councils’ parks and recreation areas. It also includes the planting of replacement trees in councils’ parks and recreation areas.
1417 Care of trees and shrubs
This worksection includes the care of trees and shrubs including significant trees, tree bases and tree establishment. It also covers trimming of growth on trees and shrubs in parks and recreation areas including provision of minimum clearances for both roadways and footways.
1418 Gardens
This worksection includes the inspection and maintenance of gardens, excluding annual plants, in areas provided in councils’ parks and recreation areas.
1419 Care of trees and turf
This worksection covers watering, fertilising, soil aeration, thatch removal and top-dressing of parks and recreation areas.
1420 Grass mowing
This worksection covers mowing of all classifications of parks and recreation areas and those areas classified by council as grassed areas. It also includes edge trimming along footpath edges, around trees, shrubs, access chambers, hydrants, post, poles, under and around seat and tables.
1421 Native bushland
This worksection includes the inspection and maintenance of native bushland in councils’ parks and recreation areas in accordance with councils’ bushland management plan.
1422 Dunal areas
This worksection covers the special maintenance acivity related to the stabilisation and preservation of areas predominated by sand dune terrain. The activity includes inspection and maintenance of board and chain walkways, fencing and plantings.
1423 Pest control
This worksection covers the spraying of pesticide or related treatment such as direct chemical application to provide and insect/pest free surface area to parks and recreation areas, gardens, around park/area furniture and along boundary fences for which the council is responsible.
1431 Footpath paving repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of concrete and segmental paver footpaths located in parks and recreation areas. It includes paths for shared or sole use by bicycles.
1432 Gravel footpath repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of gravel footpaths located in parks recreation areas. Gravel paths include footpaths and shared or sole use bicycle pathways and include crushed rock, pebbles, sand or compacted gravel surfacing. This activity includes restoration of the surface quality and associated minor work provide for the ongoing functionality of the surface.
1433 Footpath and kerb ramp repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of all footpaths and kerb ramps located adjacent to the carriageway.
1434 Fire access and fire trail repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of fire access and fire trails located in the asset protection zone. This activity includes restoration of the surface quality and associated minor works to provide for the ongoing functionality of the surface as defined in the Councils Bushfire risk management plan.
1441 Bituminous surfacing repairs
This worksection covers the repair of pavement surfacing on footpaths, car parks or driveways by several techniques. Surfacing is defined as the wearing course only. The work may utilise hot asphalt or cold mix but shall more typically comprise bitumen emulsion sealing with fine aggregate.
1442 Boat ramps
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of recreational boat ramps located in bays, rivers or lakes, both tidal and non-tidal.
1461 Swimming enclosures
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of swimming enclosures located in bays, rivers, lakes or ocean, both tidal and non-tidal, including rock or constructed pools at coastal locations refreshed by tidal action. The activity excludes purpose built Olympic pools in council parks and leisure centres.
1462 Boundary fence repair
This worksection covers the inspection of all boundary fences, gates and access points in parks and recreation areas. It includes monitoring possible future problems, i.e. intrusion by extended tree or shrub growth, and poor foundations.
1471 Barbecues
This worksection covers the maintenance of outdoor electrical, or liquefied petroleum (LP) gas, barbecues situated in council parks and recreation areas.
1472 Drinking fountains
This worksection covers the maintenance of drinking fountains (bubblers) located in council’s parks and recreation areas.
1473 Barriers
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance (including painting/oiling) of fences, handrails, bicycle racks, vehicle barriers, tree and garden guards, and similar items to ensure that they continue to provide the function for which they were installed. It includes the containment fences at lookouts and playgrounds and containment and catch fences at sportsgrounds.
1474 Lighting
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of lighting systems (electrical or solar power) installed in public parks and recreation areas. It includes lighting for sportsgrounds, carparks and pedestrian areas.
1475 Playground equipment
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of playground equipment and exercise stations in public parks and recreation areas in accordance with the maintenance requirements of AS/NZS 4486.1.
1476 Park furniture
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of park furniture such as seats, tables, shelters, gazebos, bollards, signs, plaques in parks and recreation areas to ensure that they continue to provide the function for which they were installed.
1477 Sportground facilities
This worksection includes the maintenance, installation and removal of equipment and apparatus required for the conduct of sports activities for each particular sportsground.
1478 Public art
This worksection covers the inspection and reporting on the condition of miscellaneous public art works including statutes, sculptures, memorials and fountains located in Councils parks and recreation areas.
1481 Accident repairs (Recoverable)
This worksection covers inspection and appraisal of damage, compilation of details and reporting related to accidents where costs are recoverable.
1482 Accident repairs (Non-recoverable)
This worksection covers inspection and appraisal of damage, compilation of details and reporting related to accidents or vandalism where costs are non-recoverable.
1483 Emergency call out
This worksection is a template for recording actions taken in response to an emergency call out. It provides for indicating any costs that may be recoverable in respect of public safety. Performance requirements are also set out.
1484 Storm damage response
This worksection covers short notice repairs under emergency conditions concerned with making the park or recreation area safe. It is limited to activity which could reasonably be undertaken in a 24 hour period. Work includes removal of debris, causing obstruction or damage to the adjacent property, or park/area furniture.
1491 Open spaces litter collection
This worksection covers all park and recreation area litter collection (including removal of dead animals) and emptying of litter bins. It includes the proper disposal of the litter clear of the park or recreation area either by recycling or legal tipping. It includes the provision of plastic bag liners to all litter bins and dog bag dispensers.
1492 Open space graffiti removal
This worksection includes the identification and removal of any graffiti on council property that is visible to the public.
1493 Beach cleaning
This activity includes raking and sieving of beaches by mechanical means and by manual cleaning where areas are not accessible by mechanical cleaning equipment. The activity also includes the disposal of the collected debris either by recycling or legal tipping.
1501 General requirements – building and facility (Maintenance)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements of the Principal for building and facility maintenance contracts. It includes plan requirements, contract period, work by others, environmental protection, emergency response, accidents, damage, measurement and payment.
1502 Contract schedules – building and facility (Maintenance)
This worksection outlines the contract schedules for routine general maintenance, building and facilities data sheet, activity frequency schedule, schedule of lump sum components, bills of quantities, schedules of dayworks rates.
1503 Building and facility maintenance plan (BFMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to the Building and Facility Maintenance Plan (BFMP) required under 1501 General requirements – building and facility (Maintenance). The BFMP is a contract specific document which is confirmation of the understanding and commitment of the Contractor and the Principal on maintenance performance policy, maintenance organisation, Activity Specifications, management procedures and maintenance planning.
1504 Annexures to the building and facility maintenance plan (BFMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to proformas and sample forms for the management of building and facility maintenance contracts. Use these proformas in conjunction with 1503 Buildings and facility maintenance plan.
1530 External works
This worksection includes external works associated with the building or facility, including shade structure, external pavement, landscaping, irrigation and stormwater drainage. Material and surfacing may include asphalt, concrete or segmental pavers.
1531 Floors
This worksection includes internal horizontal structural surfaces which constitute part of the building and area accessible by users of the building. Materials may include masonry, concrete, metal and timber. Surfacing may include resilient surfaces, paint, carpet and tiles.
1532 Walls
This worksection includes all internal and external continuous vertical structures, separating rooms or open areas, that are either load or non-load bearing. Materials may include masonry, concrete, metal, light timber or steel framing with cladding, plasterboard or fibre cement, timber, steel, glass or glass blockwork. Walls may be surfaced or finished with glazing, timber, plasterboard or fibre cement lining, steel, exposed masonry, resilient surfaces, wallpaper, paint and tiles.
1533 Doorways and windows
This worksection includes all internal and external entry and exit structures. Doorways include timber doors, steel clad doors, timber, steel and aluminium door frames, security doors, fire-resisting doors, frameless glass doors and revolving doors. Surfacing is either glazed, prefinished, natural, painted or stained.
1534 Ceilings
This worksection includes all overhead structural surfaces either suspended or attached in the under roof area of a building or facility. Materials may include plasterboard or fibre cement panels, fibrous plaster tiles, mineral fibre tiles, glass fibre panels, metal grilles, steel or aluminium panels, wood fibre panels, strawboard and plywood panels. Ceilings may be surfaced in paint or may be prefinished.
1535 Roofing
This worksection includes all external structures and cladding that protect buildings and facilities from the weather. Materials may include tiling, slate roofing, sheet metal, copper, concrete, plastic sheet, glazed roofing, and suspended fabric. Roofs may be surfaced with resilient surfaces, prefinished or paint. Roofing also includes guttering and all rainwater accessories.
1571 Mechanical systems – maintenance
This worksection includes all mechanical systems in a building or facility include space heating and cooling systems, mechanical ventilation systems, central and packaged plant, piping and ductwork systems including their insulation, automatic controls, refrigeration systems and associated electrical installations.
1572 Hydraulic systems- maintenance
This worksection covers the maintenance of hydraulic systems in a building or facility include installations for the storage, use and conveyance of water, wastewater, stormwater, water heating and fuel gas. Hydraulic systems include their associated fittings, tapware, pipes, sanitary fixtures and electrical installations.
1573 Electrical systems- maintenance
This worksection includes all electrical systems in a building or facility include electrical reticulation systems, power factor control systems, standby power systems, power generation systems, uninterruptable power systems (UPS), general power outlets, lighting systems, emergency evacuation lighting systems, information and communications technology – passive cabling systems and active equipment, television distribution systems, sound systems, lightning protection systems and electronic security systems.
1574 Fire systems- maintenance
This worksection covers the fire services system in a building or facility (both detection and protection) including sprinklers, hydrants, hose reels, gaseous fire suppression systems, fire detection systems and remote alarm monitoring, emergency warning and intercommunication systems. It also includes all associated piping, pumps and supporting electrical installations.
1581 External building surveillance
This worksection covers the maintenance of the external security of council buildings and secured areas by way of monitoring of intruder alarm systems from a central control facility and the provision of mobile security patrols to the buildings and secured areas as designated.
1582 Accident repairs (Recoverable)
This worksection covers inspection and appraisal of damage, compilation of details and reporting related to accidents where costs are recoverable.
1583 Emergency call out
This worksection covers the provision of an effective service which is readily contactable 24 hrs a day, year round and which the public or others may call for assistance.
1584 Storm damage response
This worksection covers emergency repairs on short notice for making the building or facility safe and is limited to activities which could be reasonably undertaken in a 24 hour period. Work includes removal of debris causing obstruction or damage to the adjacent property, and provision of temporary roofing with tarps.
1585 External cleaning
This worksection includes all procedures necessary for the routine cleaning of external surfaces of buildings, covered areas immediately adjacent to buildings and external stairways. This activity covers all required activities such as cleaning walls, paths, signs, graffiti removal and clearing gutters.
1586 Internal cleaning
This worksection includes all procedures necessary for the routine cleaning of buildings including offices, foyers, meeting rooms, kitchens, hallways (excludes toilets). This activity covers all internal cleaning activities, including carpet and upholstery cleaning, dusting and polishing furniture, emptying waste bins and ash trays, cleaning walls and doors and replacing light bulbs and tubes.
1587 Sanitary cleaning
This worksection covers all procedures necessary for routine cleaning of sanitary facilities designated for public or staff use. They may be located in a separate building or within buildings and facilities. It also covers all required activities such as the cleaning of toilets and hand basins, in addition to all related surface cleaning commonly required for the upkeep of such premises.
1588 Window cleaning
This worksection includes all procedures necessary for the routine cleaning of the internal and external surfaces of perimeter windows, internal windows, glass partitions and glass panels.
1589 Cleaning – blinds and fire proofing of curtains
This worksection includes all procedures necessary for the routine cleaning of blinds and curtains as well as the fire proofing of curtains.
1601 General requirements – road reserve (Maintenance)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements of the Principal for road reserve maintenance contracts. It includes plan requirements, contract period, work by others, traffic management, environmental protection, emergency response, accidents, damage, measurement and payment.
1602 Maintenance schedules – road reserve
This worksection is a spreadsheet and includes 10 worksheets for work cost review, bitumen reseals, seal preservation, proposed construction, road reserve assets, gravel pit testing, gravel resheeting, schedule of rates and samples for plant hire and labour rates. The worksheets have been aligned to the data sets and sort codes of the Austroads AP-R673 Road Asset data Standard (RADS).
1603 Road reserve maintenance plan (RMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to the Road reserve Maintenance Plan (RMP) required under 1601 General requirements – road reserve (Maintenance). The RMP is a contract specific document which is confirmation of the understanding and commitment of the Contractor and the Principal on maintenance performance policy, maintenance organisation, Activity Specifications, management procedures and maintenance planning. The RMP also includes sample non-conformance management forms, Damage forms and Contractor Records.
1604 Annexures to road reserve maintenance (RMP)
The following worksection Template is applicable to proformas and sample forms for the management of road reserve maintenance contracts. Use these proformas in conjunction with 1603 Road reserve maintenance plan. The forms have been aligned to the data sets and sort codes of the Austroads AP-R673 Road Asset data Standard (RADS). The relevant data attributes from RADS have been included in brackets () in the relevant worksheets.
1611 Pavement sweeping
This worksection covers the removal of loose material from the road surface by hand brooming, mechanical rotary brooming, suction brooming, or drag brooming of road surfaces. This includes sweeping at intersections, median kerbs, median openings median islands and within bicycle lanes. The activity also includes the removal of any slippery substance from the road surface.
1612 Auxiliary work for reseals
This worksection covers preparatory, support and post seal operations where the contractor is required to provide resources to assist the resealing contractor appointed by council to provide resealing services. The reseal operation will be programmed by the council and advised to the contractor. This activity is additional to normal routine maintenance undertaken during the course of the contract.
1613 Repairs to bituminous surfacing
This worksection covers the repair of pavement surfacing by several techniques. The activity is limited to individual treatment areas less than or equal to 500 square metres. Work may also include the spreading of grit on surfaces exhibiting soft and excess amounts of bitumen. The work shall include provision of temporary linemarking where necessary.
1614 Crack sealing
This worksection covers the cleaning and filling of cracks or joints in pavements to make the surface water resistant. This type of work is usually undertaken on concrete, asphalt or bitumen sealed surfaces. It includes temporary reinstatement of line marking where necessary. Crocodile cracking with no deformation or pumping of fines on asphaltic concrete pavements is excluded from this activity except where the distress is very localised and readily treated.
1615 Local shape correction
This worksection covers the local correction of ruts, shoving, depressions, or abnormal crossfall by application of cold mix, asphalt or emulsion and fine aggregate seals. The activity is limited to individual treatment areas less than or equal to 25 square metres.
1616 Grading unsealed roads
This worksection includes the grading of unsealed road formations including table drains, whether the surfacing comprises imported granular material or the natural subgrade. The activity includes rolling after grading or during grading using roller attachment.
1617 Resheeting unsealed roads
This worksection covers the provision of imported granular overlay material on unsealed roads and the grading and compaction of this material as a resheet. The activity includes preparatory grading of the formation including table drains. This includes new base course structural layer below a 150mm wearing course.
1618 Heavy patching
This worksection covers the repair of major pavement failures. Major failures comprise areas greater than 25 sqm.
1619 Minor patching
This worksection covers the repair of minor pavement failures. Minor failures comprise areas greater than 1.0 m ² and less than 25 m ².
1620 Pothole repair
This worksection covers the reinstatement of sealed surface faults using either base course granular material or bituminous materials. Surface faults under this category are less than or equal to 1.0m ² and will require infill material to reinstate the sealed or asphalt surface rather than just a surface dressing.
1621 Concrete pavement repairs
This worksection covers the repair of concrete pavements, with or without an asphalt overlay, which have failed due to poor construction or a weak subgrade, often due to water ingress resulting in erosion of bedding. The activity also includes permanent restoration of service openings.
1622 Concrete slab stabilisation
This worksection covers the stabilisation of concrete road slabs that have tilted, have become loose, and have scoured underneath such that voids have formed where the slab foundation has been eroded. The work involves replacing the foundation with cementitious grout or other approved grout pumped under pressure to re-stabilise the slab.
1623 Emergency pavement repairs
This worksection covers short notice pavement repairs required for safety reasons. The work may be temporary if circumstances require. Emergencies involve damage to the pavement e.g. major pothole, collapsed culvert, burst water main, slippery surfacing or flushing surfacing.
1631 Edge break repair
This worksection covers the repair of broken edges of seal or asphalt surfaced pavements. The repair aims to restore the line and level of the original surfacing.
1632 Grading unsealed shoulders
This worksection covers the grading of unsealed shoulders including table drains. The activity includes rolling after grading and the inclusion of water if this is deemed necessary.
1633 Resheeting unsealed shoulders
This worksection covers the provision of imported granular overlay material on unsealed shoulders and the grading and compaction of this material as a resheet. The activity includes preparatory grading of the shoulder and table drains.
1634 Local scour repair
This worksection covers the repair of scouring on batters, shoulders and drains and/or scouring adjacent to inlets or outlets to drainage structures draining the road area. The work includes action to reinstate the area affected and to prevent re-occurrence of the scour.
1641 Kerb and channel (gutter) repairs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of all kerb and gutters located adjacent to the carriageway. The activity includes the repair of any damaged kerb and guttering which could constitute a safety hazard to road users and pedestrians.
1642 Traffic islands
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of all concrete kerbed islands located on the carriageway and including those with hard or paved infill areas. The activity includes the repair of any damaged kerbing and the removal of any defects which could constitute a safety hazard to road users and pedestrians.
1651 Clear road reserve subsoil drains
This worksection covers maintenance of subsoil drains. It will be required to record inspections and locations of outlets. Clearing will include removal of restrictions, clearing headwalls, flushing out and/or rodding.
1652 Clear road reserve open drains
This worksection covers all unlined open drains, catch drains, spoon drains, table drains and waterways that contribute to the structural integrity of the roadway.
1671 Road reserve boundary fence repairs
This worksection covers the inspection of all fence and access points on the road reserve network. it includes monitoring possible future problems i.e. intrusion by extended tree or shrub growth and also monitoring of locations that are regularly damaged on a more frequent basis, such as school location etc.
1672 Road reserve fences and handrails
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance, (including painting) of median and pedestrian fences and handrails to make sure that the fences and handrails continue to provide the function for which they were installed. It includes the fences and railings at pedestrian crossings and at school crossings.
1673 Street seats and bus shelters
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of street seats and bus shelters to ensure that they continue to provide the function for which they were installed.
1674 Carriageway delineators
This worksection includes the inspection and maintenance of all types of delineators. These include guideposts, guidepost delineators, safety/rumble bars, raised pavement markers both reflective and non reflective, flaps and guardfence delineators as well as width markers on bridges and culverts.
1675 Road reserve guard fence
This worksection includes the inspection and maintenance of W Beam guardfence. The work will include the inspection, reporting, scheduling and supervising all guardfence repairs. Periodic inspection is required to check alignment, and anchorage and stability of posts. Work shall include the removal and replacement of sections.
1676 Road reserve signs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of regulatory, warning and standard signs as defined in AS 1742 and Austroads ASTTM series such as speed limit, advisory speed signs, alignment, and directional hazard indicators. Maintenance of sign supports is included. The maintenance of signs denoting council maintenance segments is included.
1677 Road reserve guide signs
This worksection covers the inspection and maintenance of street name blades, advanced direction and directional signs as well as reassurance signs, and other specialised and tourist signs. This activity does not include advance direction and direction signs which refer to an intersection or junction within the contract network but which are positioned on roads or highways not maintained by the council.
1681 Accident repairs (Recoverable)
This worksection covers inspection and appraisal of damage, compilation of details and reporting related to accidents where costs are recoverable.
1682 Road reserve emergency call out
This worksection covers the provision of an effective service which is readily contactable 24 hrs a day, year round and which the public or others may call for assistance.
1683 Storm damage response for road safety
This worksection covers short notice repairs under emergency conditions concerned with making the road safe and limited to activity which could reasonably be undertaken in a 24 hour period. Work includes removal of debris, causing obstruction or damage to the adjacent property, road or roadside furniture. The cause of the storm damage may be due to the action of wind, rain, flood or lightning strike.
1684 Traffic facilities – road traffic control
This worksection covers the provision of traffic control by the contractor to assist the operation of works by others, or where explicit instructions are not provided in other activity specifications. This activity is additional to normal routine maintenance undertaken during the course of the contract.
1691 Road reserve litter collection
This worksection covers all road and roadside litter collection, including removal of dead animals, and emptying of litter bins at designated locations. It includes the proper disposal of the litter clear of the road reserve and includes the provision of plastic bag liners to all litter bins.
1692 Removal of graffiti visible from roads
This worksection includes the identification and removal of any graffiti on council property that is visible to the public from roads.
1701 Wharves and decks maintenance
This activity covers the inspection and maintenance (including painting/oiling) of wharves and decks, including jetties, fishing and viewing decks, boardwalks, mangrove walkways, lookouts and similar structures to ensure that they continue to provide the function for which they were installed. It includes structures that are situated in water or on land.
1841 Water supply – irrigation systems
This worksection covers the maintenance of irrigation systems equipment in public parks, sportsgrounds, gardens and recreation areas.
1851 Clear open space drains
This worksection covers all unlined open drains, catch drains, spoon drains, table drains and waterways in parks and recreation areas.
1852 Clear open space drainage culverts
This worksection covers the inspection and clearing of all stormwater drainage structures located in parks or recreation areas including the public car parking areas. These include all types, such as extended kerb inlets with or without grate, side entry pits and gully pits, connections from inlets to the main drain, culverts and energy dissipators.
1853 Clear road reserve culverts and pits
This worksection covers the inspection and clearing of all stormwater drainage structures whether located in the road network, in public car parking areas, drainage easements or parks. These include all types, such as extended kerb inlets with or without grate, side entry pits and gully pits, connections from inlets to the main drain, culverts and energy dissipators as well as bridge drainage scuppers and bridge expansion joints.
1854 Minor repair of lined drains in road reserves
This worksection covers the inspection, repair and maintenance of all lined drains. These include concrete, stone pitched drains, drains permanently protected by geotextile or similar material and drains lined with galvanized corrugated iron units.
2011 Lifts design and install
This worksection Template is applicable to passenger lifts for use in buildings, other than private residences, up to four storeys. As a performance based (design and construct) worksection, it is intended for use if no specialist lift consultant is engaged.
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