Copyright 2025 © AUS-SPEC
Alex Burjan, Contract Administrator |
AUS-SPEC Contracts covers tendering, contract preliminaries, quality checklists and quality requirements for the supply of projects and services.
$740 + GST
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Compilation of documentation for local government including:
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Complex and simple projects
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Contract, Supply, Asset and Works Managers, Purchasing and Legal Officers
0120 Pre-tendering contract preparation (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is a framework for the development of request for tender documents based on AUS SPEC worksections. It includes a cover page and sets out the documents required for Part A Tender information and Part B Contract documentation volumes.
0121 Tendering
This worksection Template reflects the principles of the main Australian codes of practice, including AS 4120 (1994), which is cited in a number of state government codes of practice. The worksection assumes head-contract tendering. It is applicable to non-contractual material and so does not form part of the contract documents. A tender pro-forma is attached to cover tender offers in the form of a lump sum.
0122 Information for tenderers (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to an introductory document to enable prospective Tenderers to determine whether the scope and type of works in the proposed Contract is within their capability. It is a separate document to, but aligned with, 0123 Conditions of tendering.
0123 Conditions of tendering (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to conditions of tendering including contract information, tender submission requirements, tender evaluation and selection criteria. It assumes traditional paper-based tendering methods but this worksection can be adapted to suit digital distribution and eTendering (electronic tendering system). If using eTendering, consult with the administrators of the system about the standard forms provided as part of the system and about amending these to suit your requirements. The worksection should align with 0122 Information for tenderers, a separate, introductory document for prospective Tenderers. This worksection does not form part of the contract documents.
0124 Tender submission documents (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the returnable forms and schedules nominated by the Principal for completion by the Contractor for inclusion in the Tender submission. The completed worksection forms VOLUME 4 -Tender Submission Documents of the request for tender (RFT). It assumes traditional paper-based tendering methods but this worksection can be adapted to suit digital distribution and eTendering (electronic tendering system). If using eTendering, consult with the administrators of the system about the standard forms provided as part of the system and about amending these to suit your requirements.
0125 Standard contract checklists (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection applies to standard contracts and provides checklists for contract compilation, tender preparation, receipt of tenders and tender assessment.
0126 Period supply and service checklists (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection applies to period supply and service contracts and provides a checklist for commissioning of documentation, determination of technical requirements, document finalisation approval and the tender advertisement template.
0131 Preliminaries (Generic)
This worksection Template is applicable to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, owner’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0133 Preliminaries (Interior and alterations)
This worksection Template is applicable to the site management requirements of the owner for interior fitout projects. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining tenancies constraints, project signage, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, and some aspects of payment for the works.
0134 General requirements (Supply) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements for a supply contract and includes the supply of labour, materials and plant to carry out the works. This worksection can be used for minor construction works. For major construction works, use 0136 General requirements (Construction).
0135 General requirements (Service) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements for a supply and service contract. The work under this contract comprises of supply of labour, materials and equipment necessary to carry out the services specified. It can be used for a single contract for provision of general goods and services over a period of time.
0136 General requirements (Construction) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the site requirements of the principal for minor civil works construction projects, including site access, restrictions and investigations, superintendent’s site office, project signage, survey control, principal supplied items, and existing utilities services. It also draws together administrative material common to the worksections, including referenced documents, interpretation, inspection and tests, contractor’s submissions, materials and products and work-as-executed drawings.
0140 Preliminaries – ABIC BW 2018 C
This worksection Template is applicable to the ABIC BW 2018 C contract for small commercial projects or single trade activities where an architect administers the contract, applicable in all states and territories. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, temporary facilities, project signage, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items and pest eradication.
0141 Preliminaries – ABIC MW-2008
This worksection Template is applicable to the ABIC MW-2008 contract for major non-housing work. It can be adapted for use with the various state and territory specific contracts for housing work. It is relevant to site requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, owner’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of cost adjustment, and pest eradication.
0141 Preliminaries – ABIC MW-2018
This worksection Template is applicable to the ABIC MW-2018 major works contract for non-housing work. It can be adapted for use with the various state and territory specific contracts for housing work. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, owner’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0142 Preliminaries – ABIC SW-2018
This worksection Template is applicable to the ABIC SW-2018 simple works contract for non-housing work. It can be adapted for use with the various state and territory specific contracts for housing work. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the owner. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, owner’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, owner-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0143 Preliminaries – AS 2124 (1992)
This worksection Template is applicable to the AS 2124 (1992) building contract for major works. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0144 Preliminaries – AS 4000 (1997)
This worksection Template is applicable to the AS 4000 (1997) building contract for major works. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0145 Preliminaries – AS 4905 (2002)
This worksection Template is applicable to the AS 4905 (2002) building contract for minor works. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0146 Preliminaries – AS 4902 (2000)
This worksection Template is applicable to the AS 4902 (2000) building contract for design and construct. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0147 Conditions of Contract (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the General conditions of contract, Annexures to the contract and Special conditions of contract. The completed worksection forms VOLUME 1 – Conditions of contract. This worksection is based on AS 2124 (1992) General conditions of contract. Amend this document for use with other general conditions of contract, special conditions, WHS and environmental requirements. See NATSPEC disclaimer on the use of this worksection for this and other contracts.
0149 Preliminaries – NCW4 (2019)
This worksection Template is applicable to the NCW4 contract for National Capital Works. It is relevant to the site management requirements of the principal. The project specific version may include site security arrangements, occupancy constraints, adjoining properties constraints, principal’s site office and other temporary facilities, project signage, provisional sums, requirements for progress photographs, authority requirements, survey requirements, principal-supplied items, separate contracts, some aspects of payment for the works and pest eradication.
0152 Schedule of rates (Construction)
This worksection consists of descriptions of quantities required for a schedule of rates for a construction project. The quantities shown are estimated quantities only and are not to be taken as correct quantities of work to be carried out or paid for under the various items of work.
0152r Schedule of rates (Construction)
This worksection consists of descriptions of quantities required for a schedule of rates for a construction project in a rural council. The quantities shown are estimated quantities only and are not to be taken as correct quantities of work to be carried out or paid for under the various items of work.
0153 Schedules – Period supply and service
This worksection Template is applicable to the schedule of rates requirements for tenderers for period supply and service (Supply and Deliver) contracts.
0161 Quality management (Construction) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the contractual requirements for the quality management system (QMS) documentation and operation for construction activities. It contains umbrella requirements for quality control and testing and includes the following:
• Developing and implementing a project QMS to AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2016).
• Developing and implementing a project quality plan to cover all work under the contract including permanent works, temporary works, on-site and off-site works.
• Keeping quality records.
0162 Quality (Supply) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the quality requirements for supply of a quality assured product where the Producer has third party certification of an implemented quality management system conforming to AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2016).
0163 Quality (Delivery) (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the quality requirements for delivery of products for acceptance by the Principal in conforming to AS/NZS ISO 9001 (2016).
Product delivery includes the following activities:
• Handling.
• Storage.
• Packaging.
• Preservation.
• Delivery.
0167 Integrated management (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the documentation and operation of a system that collects the operating procedures of Quality requirements, Environmental requirements and Work Health and Safety into a single integrated management system.
0173 Environmental management (AUS-SPEC)
This worksection Template is applicable to the environmental management of civil works and includes environmental controls for erosion and sedimentation, flora and fauna, groundwater, indigenous and non-indigenous heritage, traffic, water quality, air quality, waste and weeds. It provides for documentation of requirements for control plans prepared by the contractor. It provides for documenting an environmental management plan, if required, and/or the requirements for environmental management either in contractor prepared control plans or principal/consultant control measures.
1401 General requirements – parks and open space (Maintenance)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements of the Principal for parks and open space maintenance contracts. It includes plan requirements, contract period, work by others, environmental protection, emergency response, accidents, damage, measurement and payment.
1402 Maintenance schedules – parks and open space
This worksection outlines the contract schedules for routine general maintenance, schedule of lump sum components, parks and open space data sheet, bills of quantities and schedules of dayworks rates.
1403 Parks and open space maintenance plan (PMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to the Parks and open space Maintenance Plan (PMP) required under 1401 General requirements – parks and open space (Maintenance). The PMP is a contract specific document which is confirmation of the understanding and commitment of the Contractor and the Principal on maintenance performance policy, maintenance organisation, Activity Specifications, management procedures and maintenance planning. The Annexures to the PMP also include sample non-conformance management forms, Damage forms and Contractor Records.
1404 Annexures to parks and open space maintenance plan
This worksection Template is applicable to proformas and sample forms for the management of parks and open space maintenance contracts. Use these proformas in conjunction with 1403 Parks and open space maintenance plan.
1501 General requirements – building and facility (Maintenance)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements of the Principal for building and facility maintenance contracts. It includes plan requirements, contract period, work by others, environmental protection, emergency response, accidents, damage, measurement and payment.
1502 Contract schedules – building and facility (Maintenance)
This worksection outlines the contract schedules for routine general maintenance, building and facilities data sheet, activity frequency schedule, schedule of lump sum components, bills of quantities, schedules of dayworks rates.
1503 Building and facility maintenance plan (BFMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to the Building and Facility Maintenance Plan (BFMP) required under 1501 General requirements – building and facility (Maintenance). The BFMP is a contract specific document which is confirmation of the understanding and commitment of the Contractor and the Principal on maintenance performance policy, maintenance organisation, Activity Specifications, management procedures and maintenance planning.
1504 Annexures to the building and facility maintenance plan (BFMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to proformas and sample forms for the management of building and facility maintenance contracts. Use these proformas in conjunction with 1503 Buildings and facility maintenance plan.
1601 General requirements – road reserve (Maintenance)
This worksection Template is applicable to the general requirements of the Principal for road reserve maintenance contracts. It includes plan requirements, contract period, work by others, traffic management, environmental protection, emergency response, accidents, damage, measurement and payment.
1602 Maintenance schedules – road reserve
This worksection is a spreadsheet and includes 10 worksheets for work cost review, bitumen reseals, seal preservation, proposed construction, road reserve assets, gravel pit testing, gravel resheeting, schedule of rates and samples for plant hire and labour rates. The worksheets have been aligned to the data sets and sort codes of the Austroads AP-R673 Road Asset data Standard (RADS).
1603 Road reserve maintenance plan (RMP)
This worksection Template is applicable to the Road reserve Maintenance Plan (RMP) required under 1601 General requirements – road reserve (Maintenance). The RMP is a contract specific document which is confirmation of the understanding and commitment of the Contractor and the Principal on maintenance performance policy, maintenance organisation, Activity Specifications, management procedures and maintenance planning. The RMP also includes sample non-conformance management forms, Damage forms and Contractor Records.
1604 Annexures to road reserve maintenance (RMP)
The following worksection Template is applicable to proformas and sample forms for the management of road reserve maintenance contracts. Use these proformas in conjunction with 1603 Road reserve maintenance plan. The forms have been aligned to the data sets and sort codes of the Austroads AP-R673 Road Asset data Standard (RADS). The relevant data attributes from RADS have been included in brackets () in the relevant worksheets.
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