AUS-SPEC Webinars

This 30 to 40 minute webinar will help users to get started with NATSPEC. We will cover logging into and using SPECbuilder Live, creating and downloading a specification draft and working with Microsoft Word.

Please click here to register to attend.

Upcoming Webinars
This workshop will be held online on Tuesday 25 March 2025 at 10:00 am – Wednesday 26 March 2025 at 12:00 pm. The workshop will address the AUS-SPEC Roadworks and bridges specification package. It will highlight the documents developed for the design, construction, and maintenance of sealed and unsealed roads for low-volume traffic. Reference documents like the Design reference and checklists, Construction reference and Schedules, TECHguides, TECHreports and TECHnotes will be discussed to support councils to develop their own specifications in house. Click the below link to register:

IPWEA Event – Managing Sealed and Unsealed Local Roads | IPWEA (NSW)

Austroads, IPWEA and AUS-SPEC – Managing sealed and unsealed local roads joint webinar
AUS-SPEC participated in a webinar Managing sealed and unsealed local roads organised by Austroads and IPWEA NSW.

This recorded webinar, provides an overview of the life cycle management of local sealed and unsealed roads. It highlights the Austroads Guides and the AUS-SPEC national local government specification system which assist local government practitioners to design, construct and maintain sealed and unsealed roads. The recording of the webinar is available on the following link:

The webinar is focussed on the following and gives you an overview of:

  • the Austroads Guides, the national local government specification system and new reference documents
  • managing specifications using a specification compiler
  • better techniques to effectively design, construct and maintain council road assets
  • how to make informed decisions whether to seal an unsealed road
  • how to implement practices across the asset life cycle to improve the structural integrity, safety and performance of sealed and unsealed roads.

Coming soon.