AUS-SPEC is featured in multiple asset management and council infrastructure publications from affiliated associations. Including NATSPEC’s quarterly SPECnotes and industry leading technical committees who feature AUS-SPEC in their publications.

The following publications released recently will be of interest to the AUS-SPEC users:  

National State of Assets Report 2024  

The National State of the Assets Report (NSoA) is commissioned by the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) to monitor and assess how local government is addressing the challenges in maintaining their infrastructure assets. This report indicates that 65-71% of local government infrastructure assets are in good condition, function, and capacity, 20-30% are in fair condition, and less than 10% are in poor to very poor condition. The analysis reveals that all infrastructure categories require attention and increased investment to improve their condition, function, and capacity, despite variations between them. This year’s survey report showed that many councils have higher confidence in their condition assessment data compared to function and capacity data. The NSoA report is available at

IPWEA Whitepaper 

IPWEA recently released the Whitepaper – Best practice asset management of essential public infrastructure. It highlights the importance of education and training, especially in financially constrained public works agencies, to ensure safe and reliable community services. The IPWEA Asset Management Pathway, recognized globally, offers effective capability development aligned with international standards, providing a scalable and consistent framework for infrastructure planning and reporting. The Whitepaper provides a pragmatic approach for the best practice management of public works infrastructure and is available at